And how did my first day of Bryan's kindergarten go? Mine was a little more emotional. I didn't cry in the classroom, but I did start to tear up as I waited by the clinic to drop off Bryan's EpiPen and Food Allergy Action Plan. As much as Bryan's allergies dominate my thinking, I still don't like thinking about what could happen.
Not that I REALLY think that anything is going to happen. We got a chance to meet with Bryan's teacher before school started, and I really do think that Mrs. S is going to take care of him. Our conversation went well, and she really seemed concerned about making sure that Bryan stays safe in her classroom. She even sent home a label from the soap that they use in their classroom to make sure that Bryan could use it, which made me feel good that she is going to be proactive about his allergies.
That said, my heart does jump a little every time the phone rings, just in case it is someone from the school. I kind of wonder how long that anxiety is going to last, or if it is even ever going to go away. Because even though I do think Bryan will be okay- I still don't like thinking about what could happen.